Air Loss Cost
Leakage Loss/Orifice Dia. (In.) | Air Loss CFM | Air Loss, cu.ft./day | Loss/day $ | Loss/month,$ | Loss/year, $ |
1/64 | 0.4 | 590 | 0.15 | 4.4 | 54.75 |
1/32 | 1.6 | 2332 | 0.58 | 17.6 | 211.7 |
3/64 | 3.7 | 5270 | 1.32 | 40.15 | 481.8 |
1/16 | 6.5 | 9345 | 2.34 | 71.17 | 854.1 |
3/32 | 14.5 | 20880 | 5.22 | 158.77 | 1905.3 |
1/8 | 26 | 37152 | 9.29 | 282.57 | 3390.85 |
3/16 | 58.3 | 83952 | 20.99 | 638.45 | 7661.35 |
1/4 | 104 | 149760 | 37.44 | 1138.8 | 13665.6 |
5/16 | 162 | 233280 | 58.32 | 1773.9 | 21286.8 |
3/8 | 234 | 336960 | 84.24 | 2562.3 | 30747.6 |
1/2 | 415 | 597600 | 149.4 | 4544.25 | 54531 |
5/8 | 649 | 934560 | 233.64 | 7106.55 | 85278.6 |
The above figures are based on values from the Compressed Air & Gas Handbook. Calculations assume a conservative cost of $0.25/1000 cu. ft. of compressed air, 100% coefficient of flow, and working 8,760 hours/year, at 100 psig.

Artificial Demand:
• Most air systems operate at artificially high pressures to compensate for flow fluctuations and downstream pressure drops.
• At higher pressures, air users consume more air than needed to perform a specific task.